Session Media Limited believes that the responsible use of personal information collected on its Web sites is critical to its business objectives and reputation. As part of our commitment to privacy, we have adopted this Online Privacy Statement. The extent and type of information we receive from you on our external Web sites depends on the information you provide to us through our contact mailboxes and/or through the registration processes on our site.

Session Media Limited only use your personally identifiable information to respond to your requests and to provide you with information about our services, unless we obtain your permission to use your personal information for other purposes. For example, if you send us an e-mail message requesting information about our company, services or products, we will use your e-mail address and other information you supply to respond to your request. If we intend to use your personal information to inform you about our other services, we will notify you and give you an opportunity to decline to receive such communications. If you send us a resume or curriculum vitae (CV) to apply online for a position with us, we will use the information provided to match you with available opportunities. Our Website may invite you to register for our e-newsletter. The e-newsletter will also provide an opportunity for you to update your registration information should you no longer wish to receive information from us.

In addition, “cookies” (that is small text files placed on your computer when you first visit the site) are used on some of our Web sites. Most browsers now recognize when a cookie is offered and permit you to refuse or accept it. If you are not sure whether your browser has this capability, you should check with the software manufacturer, your company’s technology help desk or your Internet Service Provider. Cookies are primarily used to enhance your online experience and are not used by us to track the navigational habits of identified visitors unless we obtain your permission to do so. If you visit our sites to read or download information, such as news stories or articles, much of the information we do collect is statistical only (for example, the domain from which you access the Internet, the date and time you access our site, and the Internet address of the Web site from which you linked directly to our site) and not personally identifiable. We use this information about the number of visitors and their use of the sites in aggregate form to make our sites more useful and attractive to you.

If you subscribe to newsletters from our company, we may be able to confirm the e-mail addresses of subscribers who have clicked on URLs embedded in our message content; we collect this information to gauge user interest and to make future newsletters more useful by customising the content provided to you.

The personal information you provide to us will be retained only for as long as necessary to fulfil the purposes for which the information was collected or as required by law. We do not share personal information with third parties except as necessary to carry out our business or as required by law or other legal processes, and we never sell your personal information. In addition, our company has technological and operational security policies and procedures in place to protect your personally identifiable information from loss, misuse, alteration or unintentional destruction. Our personnel who have access to the data have been trained to maintain the confidentiality of such information.

Session Media Limited understands the importance of protecting children’s privacy, especially in an online environment. Our sites are not intentionally designed for or directed at children under the age of 13 years. It is our policy never to knowingly collect or maintain information about anyone under the age of 13.

Session Media Limited recognises its responsibility for protecting the online privacy of your personal information. If you have questions or comments about our administration of your personal information, please contact us at You may also use this address to communicate any concerns you may have regarding compliance with our Online Privacy Policy.

GDPR Compliance Assurance: Statement for Our Customers

Purpose of this Statement

The General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), coming into force on the 25th May 2018, will significantly enhance privacy legislation previously imposed by the Data Protection Acts. Session Media believes that ensuring the privacy of customer data is of crucial importance for our customers and wishes to assure all customers that we are working hard to ensure compliance in all areas of our business.

Within this statement, we are seeking to highlight to our customers the measures we have put in place to ensure compliance with the GDPR where we hold or process personal data on your behalf.

Data Protection Officer

Session MEdia has a designated Data Protection Officer (DPO), who has full responsibility for all matters relating to data protection and GDPR compliance. The DPO will ensure that we are accountable and transparent to the supervisory authorities, including the creation and maintenance of “Records of processing activities” as per Article 30 of the GDPR.

Customer Contracts

To adhere to the GDPR requirements, we will be reviewing with our insurance providers all relevant agreements to ensure compliance. This will ensure that appropriate wordings are in place to cover aspects such as the duration, nature, and purpose of the processing and your rights as a customer.

Security and Business Continuity Measures

Session Media continually seeks to ensure the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of the personal data we store or process. We maintain appropriate technical and organisational security measures to protect personal data against accidental or unlawful destruction or loss, alteration, unauthorised disclosure or access.

Data Breaches

Under the GDPR, we must notify any data breach to the controller without undue delay. B2Bmetric, therefore, has processes and procedures in place for identifying, reviewing and promptly reporting data breaches to the relevant controller.

We would provide the controller with:

• A description of the nature of the breach
• Contact details for the DPO or any other contact person
• Likely or possible consequences of the breach
• Measures that have been taken to limit harmful effects

We would like to reassure our customers that we have appropriate organisational, process and training steps in place to avoid any breach together with measures to mitigate against a data breach.

Your Rights

Under the GDPR there are significant enhancements to the rights you, as our customer, enjoy with regards their personal data we hold on you. If you would like to understand and obtain copies of the data we currently hold about you and the use to which we have put it then please contact the Data Protection Officer at:

Session Media

Session Media Limited Registered office at 3 Blacklands Crescent, Forest Row, East Sussex, RH18 5NN. Registered in England No.11451529